Anatomy of a Successful Website

Jan 07, 2010 12:04 PM EDT

Like a well dressed, useful person, a website tends to have better success when it has the right anatomy.

  • Establish a Strong Backbone: Every site should have a site map. A site map is a page that organizes every page on your site into a bunch of links. A user can rapidly browse through the entire site's contents from this page.
  • Add Form with the Skeletal Structure: Intuitive navigation prevents the user from having to browse every link to find the information they seek. Great navigation will allow a user to find their page within 2 mouse clicks or less - every time.
  • Beef up the Muscle: Your site's tools and content provide muscle and strength. Your users will remain on your site much longer if they are convinced they can find what they are looking for. Write awesome content to fit common needs and scenarios. Provide needed tools and systems.
  • If I Only Had a Brain: Your site needs to be original and seem intuitive. It should point to the professional as the brain. You are the professional. Guide your site users to contact you because you are competent.
  • Add Glamour with Great Looking Skin: Cover the site with a beautiful skin. We know beauty is only skin deep but it is attractive and often draws initial interest. The user will then find the muscle and brains and remain interested. Add great looking images and colors so the site stands out in the crowd.

Building a successful site requires the right CMS tools. Using the right web design team can also help you greatly.


Anatomy of a Successful Website

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