Online Email Broadcast Tools

Oct 21, 2010 01:56 PM EDT

Whether it's prospecting, building repeat business, or transactional communication, direct email solutions can provide a very strong return on investment. The cost of one print ad could cost as much as a year's worth of email campaigns. Email can also drive much more business than print ads.

  • Manage your contacts
  • Set up your campaigns
  • Deploy professional, high-results email
  • Track results

The Market Toolkit email broadcast tool consists of an easy to use wizard that helps you manage your campaigns, lists, digital assets (i.e. images), and other aspects of email blasts.

Step-by-Step Deployment Guide

Successful email deployment can be very simple. Our step-by-step guide walks you through each activity.

  1. Design Layout
  2. Setup Campaign
  3. Select Lists
  4. Apply Content
  5. Upload Images
  6. Verify Links
  7. Distribute Proofs
  8. Get Approval
  9. Deploy Campaign
  10. Review Reports

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Layout and Design

The layout and design of an email can greatly affect the success of the campaign. A well executed, professional campaign can drive significant business and leave a lasting impression on your audience.

Email design standards are different than web site design standards. Optimal web site designs use CSS styles and are very flexible. Email is inherently more restricted and rigid because of the limited nature of email clients (software used to view emails). It is key to make sure your email designs are executed appropriately.


Multi-Purpose Email Tools

Direct Marketing Broadcasts

Email marketing is a very cost effective way to grow your business and drive repeat business. You can send regular offers, newsletter information, and other communications to engage your audience and drive business.

An effective marketing broadcast is often sent to a list of opt-in contacts who welcome your offer or communication. It is well designed and engaging.

Drip Email Activities

A drip campaign is related to regular communications you send to your audience. You may have certain anniversaries where certain one-off emails are sent to a contact. You may have renewal emails sent to subscribers.

Drip campaigns are managed in as email templates and are tied to contacts.

Triggered Email

A triggered email is based on some system activity. For example, a new subscriber or ecommerce purchase may trigger log in information or send an invoice. Other system emails can be sent automatically as instructed.


Online Email Broadcast Tools

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